Sango Pharmacy

May 25, 2023

If you’re planning on traveling overseas, it’s important to think about which travel vaccines you might need ahead of time. When traveling to places like Africa or South America, there are certain vaccines you definitely should be up to date on. Here’s everything you need to know about travel vaccines:

Travel Vaccine Planning

Besides keeping up with routine vaccines and boosters such as the flu, there are others you’ll want to get in order to protect yourself from getting sick. Research a little about the area you’ll be traveling to and communicate with a healthcare professional about which vaccines and boosters they recommend based on your destination and your medical history. You can also view the CDC’s list of destinations for a detailed breakdown of the required and/or recommended vaccines for a particular country. Travel vaccines can come in a series with multiple doses, so it’s important to make an appointment with your healthcare provider at least 4 to 6 weeks in advance. That way your immune system has plenty of time to start building up antibodies. Sometimes an accelerated schedule is necessary for vaccinations, and partial immunization is better than none. Most first doses of vaccines can be given simultaneously, however, you will have more soreness in that case.

Common Types of Travel Vaccines

doctor injecting patient with vaccine

Many countries will require proof of yellow fever, meningococcal and pneumococcal meningitis, and polio vaccinations. Yellow fever in particular requires immunization at least 10 days before, as well as a vaccine certificate to be granted entry. That’s why planning ahead is crucial to a stress-free vaccination process! Other travel vaccines recommended for all travelers include COVID-19, MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) chicken pox, hepatitis A and B, and Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis). Long-term travelers should also consider common travel vaccines such as typhoid, malaria, Japanese encephalitis, rabies, shingles, and cholera.

How Our Local Pharmacy Can Help

We offer many of the required and recommended travel vaccines and can help you determine which ones you need. It’s okay if you’re still unsure where to start; that’s what we’re here for! Don’t hesitate to come to us with your questions and concerns. Our team will do everything we can to make sure you have peace of mind and safe travels. Learn more about travel vaccines and how we can help!

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